Thanks so much for stopping by Evermore Photo Co. Follow along for my latest work, news, and all the other good stuff.

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more about me

- Sara




June 16, 2009

Landon P. {18 months}

And may I introduce to you, Landon P..  He and his mom met me for a very fun, very cool shoot at Logan and Erin’s house.  I’d not shot at L&E’s house before, but I was very pleased with what I had to work with.  Lots of cool shade trees and pretty light.  Landon was very comfortable with me and the camera, so I was able to get some fun shots.

Landon’s father is in the military and is currently overseas (Afghanistan, I think) and as I post this, I hope Chris enjoys seeing pics of Amanda and Landon!

Now, for the images:



all the latest @evermorephotoco