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- Sara




August 12, 2009

Haley & Taylor {engagement}

Hi Everyone!  This week has flown by.  Camping with the family on the HOTTEST two days of the summer, and then a couple of shoots Wednesday and Thursday.  Today I was able to work a bit and that really felt good.  

Caroline and I went to Marietta for this session.  Our plan was to start shooting outside of Hemmingway’s, the bar where Haley and Taylor met.  Of course we picked a day during which an outdoor concert was set up in the public park/square in downtown Marietta.  So, we had to get creative, which is good, and find some other cool spots around.

Again, we were stuck with hot, sticky weather.  Although, we do have to be grateful that it didn’t rain!



we liked the fisheye!

isn’t this fun?  I’ve been trying to pull this shot off forever!  yah, Haley!

I knew the moment I took this that I’d love it.  It’s so sweet and peaceful.

I just can’t get enough of Haley’s eyes; aren’t they gorgeous?

Haley, Taylor, I’m so lookin’ forward to the wedding!  

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