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- Sara
It’s been almost 3 months since Lucy has been in our lives and just like I predicted, it’s hard to imagine what life was like without her.
A few things that I’d like to remember.
*Lucy is such a content baby. As long as my diet stays dairy-free!
*Next week I’m packing away the 3 month clothes – she’s officially outgrown them.
*Lucy has begun to teethe. Not too bad, but it’s definitely started!
*Baby smiles are the best kind of smiles. Nothing beats a happy grin.
*As my title suggests, Lucy toots a lot! I mean every time she stretches, moves or kicks, she toots! It’s too funny
I’ve been trying to take pictures everyday. The dreary darkness of my living room is so uninspiring, but both bedrooms have plenty of pretty light. Must. Make. Myself. Do. It. Every. Day.
I am trying hard to post to a Lucy and Henry blog from my phone with photos from my phone, but even that is hard to do.
I had a free afternoon and a happy baby, so set up a quick photo-shoot last week. This is what I ended up with.
Isn’t she just adorable?