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- Sara




March 2, 2011

The Red Dress Boutique

Big news, people!  Ready for it?  SWP has joined forces with the Red Dress Boutique (RDB)!  I am SO EXCITED – we all so excited!

It all started with the simple request for us to photograph some select pieces for the new spring line.  We had a meeting and things quickly became cool and big!  Caroline signed on be our Stylist and Logan quickly took the roll of all Big Ideas, with Diana and I adding our thoughts, expertise and experience to the mix.  This Sunday is the Big Shoot, as we’ve all been calling it, and I need everyone (and I mean everyone) to send prayer, good vibes and happy thoughts to us and the models – we’ve got a big day planned.  Oh, and the forecast is calling for rain – blah!  NO RAIN allowed! 

In an effort to get to know the girls that would be modeling for us, we set up a  test sessions for a few of them.  We couldn’t be happier with the images we got and the awesome cooperation from the girls 🙂  Want a sneak of those cool images? Scroll down!


In the midst of planning and talking with Diana, I asked her if she’d be interested in letting us shoot the clothing and jewelry for the RDB website.  She said a very enthusiastic, YES!  So, starting yesterday, Logan is going to be shooting every piece of clothing and jewelry for the store and website – isn’t that cool?  Here’s a few shots from yesterday’s website shoot.  I just love this outfit; don’t be surprised if you see me wearing it 🙂

Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn’t rain on Sunday!  

all the latest @evermorephotoco