Thanks so much for stopping by Evermore Photo Co. Follow along for my latest work, news, and all the other good stuff.

Hello, there!

more about me

- Sara




March 4, 2011


Hi everyone 🙂

SWP is in the midst of change.  Yet again.  I sometimes feel as though I’m always in the midst of change.  I’m never quite happy with where I am.  Sometime’s that a good thing and sometimes it’s really hard to swallow.

The change that we are going through right now is a little good and a little sad…

Caroline has decided to stop working for SWP full-time.  She wants to get a ‘real’ job out on the town and get out of her chair.  Can’t say I blame her – it’s not fun to sit at a desk all day, huh?  Especially when you’re almost 18 and have the whole world at your feet!  She’s agreed to lend us her photoshop expertise whenever I need it and has been quite involved with the Big Shoot for the Red Dress Boutique.  I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she looks for some jobs as a Set Stylist.  And maybe a barista?  Who knows, we’ll see!? Oh, and she’d decided to keep up with her own personal blog, so you should check it out – it’s adorable 🙂 Caroline La Rousse

Logan is officially part of SWP.  He is working as a photographer – don’t be surprised to see him at your shoot! – and he’s lending me his skills with numbers and marketing 🙂  He will also be shooting all of the website photos for the Red Dress Boutique, as I mentioned the other day, while, of course, working at Lowe’s on the Eastside (make sure to say hi if you see him out in the garden center) and playing house with his lovely wife, Erin and their absolutely adorable son, Micah!

Mom (aka Cheryle) is still working for SWP as usual 🙂  God bless her, as they say around here, because my correspondence would be poopy without her help!

One of the big changes that you will see is that I won’t be the only person to write on the blog. Look for posts by Logan and Mom, as well as the usual from me.  We plan to change up the format of the blog, so if you get my posts on some sort of Feed Reader, be sure to occasionally look at the ‘real’ site to see how we’ve changed things!

all the latest @evermorephotoco