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- Sara



Family Session, Personal

January 30, 2014

A Year of Wren

As a photographer, blogging is something that you feel you have to do.  I have many friends that dread blogging like they dread the dentist.  I don’t dread blogging.  I love blogs.  I love learning about the people whose blogs I follow.  I have found that people like to follow my blog and that I have enjoyed being able to show recent work via my blog on a [somewhat] consistent basis.  BUT, I have always felt as though my writing skills were never really good enough to have a blog.  I’m no Kelle Hampton or Joy Proudy, but I think that I am really just afraid of trying my hand at writing.
I’ve never taken an english class.  I’ve never written a essay.  I’ve never written a book report or a ‘paper’.  But I’ve read 100’s of books and I’ve kept a journal most of my life, and I think that the written word is really important.  The thought of keeping this record of our lives for our children is so, so awesome to me.

So.  I’m going to make a point to blog more often and with more words.  And to start I created a post all about Wren.  She’s been left out of the blog a lot over the last year and it was quite fun to pull photos from her first year to show and recap her growth…

Wren is, and has been since birth, a sweet and easy kid.  She’s happy to play and entertain herself.  She’s happy to hang out with Dad and Grama and Nana & Papa.  She was happy to take a bottle when I had to go work (major gift to me!) and she just makes everyone smile.  Both kids barely get theirs open in the morning before they are hugging and kissing her, and she just loves their attention.  She’s morning person, so she’s always awake with me and Henry in the mornings, while we get ready for school and work, entertaining us with food, toys and smiles.


Lucy has been her number one fan since day one.  Lucy looks out for her all the time; Lucy knows if Wren needs food, if she needs toy, if she needs a parent or if someone has left the gate open.  Wren is pretty much belongs to Lucy (in Lucy’s mind anyway).wren_wise003wren_wise004wren_wise005wren_wise006wren_wise007wren_wise008wren_wise009wren_wise012wren_wise010wren_wise013wren_wise014wren_wise015wren_wise016wren_wise019wren_wise011wren_wise017wren_wise018wren_wise020wren_wise021wren_wise022wren_wise023wren_wise024wren_wise025wren_wise026wren_wise027wren_wise028wren_wise029wren_wise030wren_wise031wren_wise032wren_wise033wren_wise034wren_wise035wren_wise036wren_wise037wren_wise038wren_wise039wren_wise040wren_wise041wren_wise042wren_wise043wren_wise044wren_wise045wren_wise046wren_wise047wren_wise048wren_wise049wren_wise050wren_wise051wren_wise052wren_wise053wren_wise054wren_wise055wren_wise056wren_wise057wren_wise058wren_wise059wren_wise060

The growth and change is just amazing.  They go from a cuddly, little baby that does nothing but eat, sleep and poop, to a walking (she walked at 10 months!), chubby, personality-filled baby!

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