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- Sara




February 11, 2014

Jo & Robby {married} | State Botanical Gardens Day Chapel, Athens GA

Jo and Robby chose to get married in Athens at the State Botanical Gardens Day Chapel on Thursday, January 2nd.  And I was honored to be chosen to photograph their wedding, because I know how important photography is to them.  Jo planned most of the wedding herself, and they did a lot of DIY details for the day.

Check out her amazing vintage ring made of Aquamarine!  lazenby_blog002lazenby_blog003lazenby_blog004lazenby_blog005

Robby created this really neat free-standing map for guests to pin their travel origination — so fun!lazenby_blog006lazenby_blog007lazenby_blog008lazenby_blog009lazenby_blog010lazenby_blog011

Jo got her silvery-gray wedding dress off of e-bay for a steal and it fit her perfectly!  She wore a blue petticoat with silver laced edging underneath as a fun nod to her blue-streaked hair.lazenby_blog012lazenby_blog013lazenby_blog014lazenby_blog015lazenby_blog016

Jo and Robby chose to do a First Look and since it was rainy and cold, we opted for using the chapel as the First Look location, which worked wonderfully!  Logan’s view on the left, my view on the right.lazenby_blog017

With this post, I thought I would show you my view/Logan’s view.  It’s so nice to have a c0-photographer at weddings!  We get really awesome shots during the same time!  The shot below is Logan’s view, the one following is mine.lazenby_blog018lazenby_blog019



Jo is just adorable!  That silver dress works perfectly!lazenby_blog026lazenby_blog027lazenby_blog028lazenby_blog029

I shot the following photos of Robby while Logan was shooting the one below him of Jo.lazenby_blog030lazenby_blog031

We headed to Indigo for some pretty, fun, and different wedding photos!  If you’ve never been to a suite at Hotel Indigo, you’re missing out — it’s amazing!  As a side note, if anyone out there would like some boudoir photos, I’d love to shoot some in a suite at Indigo!lazenby_blog032lazenby_blog033

Jo had a polar bear theme going throughout the wedding, and she found polar bear socks for Robby to wear.  Logan’s shot on the left, mine on the right.

My angle on the left, Logan’s on the right.

Logan’s angle/view on the left, mine on the right.lazenby_blog038

I have to be honest and say that I LOVE silhouette images 🙂  The image on the right is intentionally out of focus!lazenby_blog039

Again, it’s so great to see what another photograph sees while you’re busy shooting something else.  Logan’s view on the left, mine on the right!  (don’tcha like Jo’s clip-in blue highlights?!)lazenby_blog040lazenby_blog041lazenby_blog042

Jo was so very graceful; see her hands?  All her!lazenby_blog043lazenby_blog044lazenby_blog045lazenby_blog046lazenby_blog047lazenby_blog048lazenby_blog049

We decided to stop on the side of the road right outside the gardens — we fought rain, wind and traffic to get these cool shots!lazenby_blog050lazenby_blog051

Her bouquet is made entirely of dried flowers, hand made by someone on Etsy!  Isn’t it beautiful?!lazenby_blog052lazenby_blog053lazenby_blog054

Ceremony time!lazenby_blog055lazenby_blog056

Logan’s view on the left (can you see me in the backgroud?), my shoot on the right!lazenby_blog057lazenby_blog058lazenby_blog059lazenby_blog060lazenby_blog061lazenby_blog062

Jo and Robby wanted to have the first kiss shot from both sides of them!  We choreographed it so that when the ceremony was officially over, the pastor would walk out of the way and Logan would shoot from on stage and I would shoot from the aisle!  I love how it turned out!

Hallie Jane’s catered a lovely meal!lazenby_blog065lazenby_blog066lazenby_blog067lazenby_blog068

Thank you, Jo and Robby, for allowing SWP to be such a big part of your wedding day!!  Logan and I enjoyed it!

Venue: State Botanical Gardens Day Chapel  |  Accommodations: Hotel Indigo  |  Photography:  Sara Wise Photography  |  Catering:  Hallie Janes

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