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- Sara




April 23, 2015

Lucy, Photographer-In-Training

The other day, I posted to instagram that Lucy loves to take photos.  She asks for my phone a lot and if she sees my “real” camera, she always wants to use it.
I had it out taking photos (see this post) and she started directing Wren to pose.  Soon is was me and Wren with a little self-timer action thrown in 🙂

As I started looking through the images, I just had to post them.  All of the images below were shot completely by Lucy and my giant (for her) “real” camera.  That last of Wren hugging my neck is just priceless (even though it’s out of focus)!

The faces that Wren makes ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, are a riot.  I have not a clue what she’s doing here, but whatever it is, it’s funny!


Oh. My. God.  Have you seen anything so funny as this?  I laughed my head off when I came across it!  Oh, and a side note, she’s wearing my mom’s dress.  Mom, or one of her sisters, wore this dress in the early 60’s!

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It took us a few times to get the camera to focus on us and not the chairs and boxes all around us!

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