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- Sara



Family Session

July 14, 2016

Strong Family // Family Session // Athens, GA

atlanta family photos

atlanta family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

athens family photos

Let me just tell you how HOT it was at 9:30 am last Friday.  It was the kind of hot and humid that has you pouring sweat while just standing still. That kind of heat and humidity is enough to make most people turn grumpy and irritable.  But it was amazing to watch Chaz and Kinglsey smile and laugh and keep their cool while we all melted during this session.  And I’m very pleased with the results 🙂


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