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- Sara



Athens, Family Session

June 19, 2014

Harrison P. {8 month}

On the chance of repeating myself over and over again, I’m going to type that I LOVE seeing my friend/clients on a regular basis!  I LOVE seeing how much babies grow in just a few months.  I LOVE 8 month olds.  They are expressive, silly and trusting (most of them anyway)!  Harrison just cracked me up the entire session – laughing, making faces, playing games — just so cute!

We lucked out in the fact that he couldn’t *quite* crawl at our session, so he was pretty stationary, but I saw Mary post to FB the next day or so that he’s mastered crawling!


I’m not sure how Mary’s going to feel about her expression in the photo below, but I think she looks wonderful 🙂


Shot at Athens Regional Community Park…

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