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- Sara



Maternity Session

February 24, 2010

Beth and Kevin {maternity}

Hi All!

My computer is back.  I have to say it was a bit weird to open my dirty, finger-printed computer and find that it was just like new.  I had to set everything up like a brand-new computer.  So, needless to say, I’m not quite back to normal, but close 🙂  

I was supposed to blog these images last week.  But, my hard drive crashed and I couldn’t.  So, here they are now!

Beth and Kevin.  They are expecting a little one in April (will be here before we know it!).  I had a great time with this session.  It was the Saturday of the snow and we really thought that we would get some pretty pics with it, because how often do we get that chance, but by the time we started shooting, all of Beth and Kevin’s yard was snow-free.  We did hike over to the neighbor’s yard to borrow some snow, though!  I’m getting a little tired of posting that is was COLD, but cold it was!  And windy.  I know it’s hard to imagine, when you look at these adorable images, but cold and windy it was!

Thanks, everyone, for reading!

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