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- Sara




April 4, 2010

Henry’s *first* Soccer Game

Jeremy asked if Henry and I wanted to go to one of the last boy’s soccer games of the season (high school); it was Senior Night and Ian is/was the only senior.  Since it was absolutely beautiful out, I thought Henry might enjoy the ball game.  You know how much he loves his balls!  I brought my camera along to keep myself occupied and Henry was just too cute.  As we got out of the car, he saw both a huge bus and a motorcycle! He needed to bring with him his soccer ball and his pull-along dog.

The game hadn’t quite started when we arrived, so we stood at the fence and looked for William and Ian and Kirby and Drew.  As we stood there, the game started and Henry was mesmerized.  I don’t think he blinked for several minutes 😉  

Finally, we talked him into climbing the stairs to see Jane.  Once up there, he could see the game (what I really mean, is that he could see the ball) again.  He wasn’t quite sure about all the yelling!  Jane and Leslie are quite enthusiastic about shouting encouragement to boys on the field; this is what Henry looked like for quite some time:

Isn’t this cute?

Staring at the pretty girls across the way…

We moved again.  Henry and Dad went down to the grass to kick the ball, while I chatted with Griffin.  Dad went to get us some water; Henry watches.

Since it was Ian’s Senior night, Elizabeth, Brad & Chloe came to the game.  I couldn’t resist a few snap of cute Chloe!  

We’re on the run again!  Thankfully, there weren’t very many people at the game; we had the whole place to ourselves!

I tried to get Henry to lay in the grass, but you’d a thought I put him on a bed of nails.  We was better with the concrete!  This is his ‘smile at mommy’ face!

I know this pic is totally out of focus, and it’s totally my fault for not having my lens repaired, but isn’t it sooooo cute?  Dad surprised us with gum, and as you know from my last post, Henry was pretty excited!!  This his ‘let me see your gum’ face!!

More gum chompin’.  I love it so much that I might get a huge print made and hang it on the wall 🙂

That’s it.  The boys lost the game, we chatted with the Little’s and the Stone’s, Henry ate a piece of chicken and we went home…  


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