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- Sara




July 15, 2010

beach, day 4

Another early morning.  Another fight with my camera.  But today, I WON!!  Between an article that Kat sent me and a suggestion that Meghan had, I made the session happen!!  I wrapped my camera in a bath towel and set it on the patio.  I thought that it might take about 15 minutes to ‘thaw’, but I was wrong.  It took at least 30 minutes or more to acclimate.  But once acclimated, I didn’t have any issues with smears and foggy lenses.  Yay!!  Does anyone have any other suggestions for ‘thawing’ a camera?  The condo we’re staying in isn’t that cold, but my camera literally sweats the second I take it outside.

Today was the day for Mary Michael and Parker, with a few thrown in of Holly with the kids 🙂 

Here are a few of us playing on the beach; Henry is such silly 🙂

I tried to put a different swim shirt on him today and he needed the ‘white’ one.  And before we could leave the room we had to have gum.  I’d been putting off the gum request for a couple of days, so we shared a piece of Bubble Yum…  He’s chewing in the above pic; he’s so serious!

Closest thing to smile all day…

Holly snapped this of us.  She actually took about 20 shots and Henry blinked, looked away or fussed in all of them but this one.  And what kind of face is that, anyway??!!

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