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- Sara



Family Session, Personal

September 1, 2010

trimble boys.

These cuties are my cousins.  We (Mom, Caroline, Quinn, Griffin, Jamie, Henry and I) went to Ohio in late May to celebrate Blake’s graduation from High School.  While there I *made* each of the kids agree to a short session with their bossy cousin.  Starting youngest to oldest, let me introduce you to my cousins!  

This is Owen.  

He’s 7 😉

And adorable.

Meet Nick.  

This tennis court is *right* next door to their house and the boys have literally grown up playing in it.  I thought it would be cool to use the court in a couple of pics of each boy.

I really love this B&W one!

Meet Blake.  The graduate.

Meet Jordan, the oldest.  I’m not sure where his tennis court pic is!  Caroline?

Aren’t they all cute?

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