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- Sara




November 18, 2010

monica & chris { wedding }

I sorta feel like Monica and Chris got married a life-time ago.  Bring a baby into the world and somehow the way time passes is different!  But really, it was just a week before baby Lucy arrived!!  

Monica and Chris had a wonderful wedding.  Period. Everything was just wonderful!

They opted for a First Look (everyone knows how much I love those!!) and were scheduled to meet me and Logan at a small lake, near the church where they were going to get ready, around 12.  Logan and I had a long drive to get to there, so me being 39 weeks pregnant, opted to dress for comfort on the drive there.  Little did I know that there would be NO place to change my clothes prior to meeting Monica and Chris (as a side note, I SHOULD have known there wasn’t a place to change, as I’ve been to that area before).  But Monica and Chris were super cool about me shooting their WEDDING pictures in sweat pants!  And I have to say, me wearing sweat pants didn’t affect the wonderfulness of the photos that we took 😉

These two were so comfortable with each other and us.  I love that!

One of my favorites 🙂

The couple of B&W’s below were achieved by Logan standing on the railing of the dock; they wouldn’t let me get up there!!  Aren’t they pretty?!

Monica is a ROCKSTAR!

And Chris? He’s too cool for school!

It’s been a LONG time since I’ve photographed a reception that was outdoors in the daylight.  And I’ve got to say that it was SO NICE to shoot without a flash and to be able to see what your camera is focusing on!

Congrats, Monica and Chris!!  

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