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- Sara




April 1, 2011

six on saturday.

Hello, Internet, Hello.  

1. Caroline has finished school!  We are so, so proud of her!  Read her sweet blog post here, and while your there, subscribe to her blog to keep up with her!

2. After 2 weeks of searching for used Nikon gear, I’ve found most of what I want!  I think my camera and most lenses should be here early next week!  I AM SO EXCITED!  And I easily sold all of my canon gear, which I find to be amazing.  Really, I have the hardest time selling stuff!  I want to sell my camera bag and my Shootsac, so if you’re interested in those items, let me know 🙂

3. Our house has been on the market for about 2 months and today was the first time we’ve shown it.  I love a clean house, but I really hate spending most of the day making it that way!  It sure would be nice if the family that looked at it today really LOVED it and wanted to buy it….

4. How’s everyone doing on their Photo A Day projects?  There is no way mine will be 365 pages, but I’m slowly making a book happen.  Maybe I can show you what I’ve got so far – hmm…, how to do that, I wonder?

5. I’m without a camera for the first time in, well, I can’t remember how long it’s been.  And it feels really weird. 

6. You all know how much I love my sling, right?  Well, I’ve been thinking about making some mini moo cards with a photo of Lucy and I and our sling to give out to people when they ask where I got it.  I’ve not gotten around to actually making and ordering the cards, but after today, I am doing it.  Today, while we were in Wal-Mart, I got stopped 3 times about the sling, and we were only in there for 20 minutes! Luckily, I was just wastin’ time while people looked at our house because I spent all 20 minutes giving out info on baby-wearing.  And it’s everywhere I go.  People ask or exclaim or wonder or oh and ah over it.  And I figure that since I love baby-wearing, I might as well hand out cards with correct info, right?  Do you think that’s weird?  Jeremy sorta gave me one of those looks that meant I might be slightly off, but to do whatever I thought was best, so I’m just wondering what you think 🙂



all the latest @evermorephotoco