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- Sara




May 6, 2011

a bit of catch-up…

I been feeling pretty slack about my blogging.  Every time I sit down to nurse Lucy, I pick up my iPad and read blogs.  I love them.  I read photography related blogs, I read mom related blogs, food related blogs, house and decorating blogs, blogs that my friends and family write,  and I also keep up with some Flickr streams.  I love it.  I love learning new things, I love looking at beautiful photos, I love getting inspiration for new meals and sweets.  But, every post or entry I read, makes me want to blog more.  Makes me want to love to write (because I don’t love to write, I think I’m pretty bad at it) and it makes me want to take more photos of my life.  I’ve been pretty pleased with myself for taking photos everyday.  I haven’t been able to blog a photo a day, like I had hoped to, but I have taken a photo a day and I have many of my photos ready to put in a book at the end of the year, so for that I’m pleased.

Jeremy, Henry, Lucy and I went strawberry picking last week.  I have a lot of adorable photos that I’d love to be blogging, but for time’s sake I’ll stick with the few below.  We had a great time!  Or, I should say that I had a great time!  Henry picked a few, ate a few and talked non-stop about the cows in the next field over.  Lucy dangled from my arm or Jeremy’s as we took turns picking – a few more weeks and she’ll be able to sit all by herself!!  As you can see from the photo below, we went to Sunny Hill Nursery’s in Hartwell (or really Canon).  

This past Saturday was the last Saturday that I have free from quite some time.  At the last minute, I had a session cancel, so I quickly asked Amy if she had time to hang out and shoot.  AND SHE DID!  I was so excited 🙂  She let me do her hair and make-up (!) and off we went!  I’ve not had a chance to really do much more than pick out these to photos and edit them, but I’m happy with what I quickly looked through.


all the latest @evermorephotoco