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- Sara




July 13, 2011

erin & josh {engagement}

Super fun session at a few places I’ve not ever shot at before!  I’m totally looking forward to their wedding in October 🙂

Erin’s parents own a whole block of buildings in Colbert right here next to the railroad tracks – we had fun using the chairs.  The light was so yummy 🙂  Anyone up for a game of Paper, Rock, Scissors?  Or how about a Thumb-War?

Josh did that wall in the background – isn’t it cool?  The buildings are still under construction, but by the time the wedding gets here, everything will be finished and oh-so-beautiful!

A very cool tree room over at the Chase St. Warehouses…

Josh, you are so fierce in this photo!  I love it!

Erin & Josh met playing soccer and after many years together, they still play regularly 🙂

We love those serious faces!

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