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- Sara




August 16, 2013

Cassie & Hank {engaged}

I’m looking forward to Cassie and Hank’s wedding.  It’s in a few short weeks and they start the fall wedding season for me 🙂  I know these photos make Cassie and Hank look like it was a pleasant 70 degrees outside, but it was FAR from it.  It was muggy and hot and hard to concentrate and cuddle because it was so sticky, but they were rock stars and totally made it happen!
As a side note, and as a word of advice; ladies, consider having your make-up done professionally!  It makes your photos have such a polished look 🙂  Cassie is a make-up connoisseur and did her own, but she’s super good at it, as you can tell!  Also, I’ve got to say, I love the false eyelashes!

Interested in an engagement session?  Check out another sessions here!

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