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- Sara




September 5, 2013

Lucy {she loves to change clothes}

Guys, she’s crazy-silly.  She’s got a mind of her own, an adorable personality and a stubborn streak a mile wide.  There is nothing I could do or give her that would make her let me choose clothes for her to wear.  I mean NOTHING.  Not a bribe, not a threat, not a long explanation about about why I want her to wear something.  Nothing works.  She just wears what she wants.  And most days she goes through 5 or 6 outfits.  Some outfits are her clothes.  Some outfits are a combination of her clothes and FoFo’s (she calls Henry FoFo; we have no idea why) clothes and some are all clothes from his drawers.  Sometimes they match (she loves to match things).  Sometimes they don’t make a lick of sense.  Sometimes she copies the best she can with what fits her, whatever I’m wearing.  Or if FoFo wears sneakers, than she needs to wear sneakers.  Yesterday, I didn’t have a car to go anywhere and I was in the mood to do something besides pick up toys and do laundry, so I suggested that Lucy and I take pictures.  I made a big deal out of moving the kitchen table and chairs out of the “dining room” (we have a eat-in kitchen and no dining room) and telling Lucy that we were going to take pics of her in all her many outfits.  She could put whatever she wanted on and I would take photos.  She loved the idea and quickly schemed what she was going to wear.  

I thought she would choose all of her favorite “usuals”, but she didn’t.  She picked out a swimsuit that is too small and a puffy vest, first…  That outfit only lasted long enough for two images.  She jumped around like a crazy-woman and then ran off to change again.

This next outfit is one she picked out at the store completely on her own.  I told her which table of shirts she could choose from and we tried on 4 pairs of jeans and this is what she picked.  I think she’s only worn the jeans with one other shirt, because in her mind this is what she’s supposed to wear together.  As she was changing I asked if she could “pose” for me, like she’s seen my brothers and clients do.  And this unbelievable cuteness happened (all without prompt):


Next up is a dress I wore on my first birthday, 31 years ago and a corduroy skirt from Gap.  She refused to stand up in this outfit…  As you scroll down, you’ll notice that she’s showing me how old she is.  Right now she’s two and soon she’ll be three (don’t you love how she shows you three fingers?) and Fofo is “5”.

Then she went back to the jeans and cat shirt, adding a shrug that had to be buttoned and glasses to match the cat…

The next outfit is one that she’s had meltdowns over, but yesterday she liked…

Wren had been asleep through most of this and when she woke up, we plopped her on the floor for some photos 🙂

Notice that they match?  I had put the lace skirt that Lucy is wearing on Wren and she didn’t like that idea, so I found a different one for Wren and Lucy declared that they “matched” and needed a photo together.  Wren just wanted to chew on Lucy’s hand 🙂

You might be wondering why I have a black wall in my eat-in kitchen.  Two weekends ago, I painted the whole wall with chalkboard paint, hung up two wires for artwork and photos!  The kids and I have loved it!  I’ve been dying to paint a wall chalkboard forever and I finally have the space to do it!!  I’ll post a photo when I get the top row of photos and chalkwork done 🙂


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