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- Sara



Family Session, Personal

September 18, 2013

Henry {age 5}

I’m sure you guys remember Lucy’s post, right?  Well, I certainly couldn’t JUST take photos of her!  Henry doesn’t like the camera nearly as much as Lucy does, but I made the biggest deal out of it and he happily cooperated 🙂
When I was in college, I took this photo of my youngest brother, Quinn.  He was about Henry’s age at the time and I thought it would be fun to do something similar with Henry, hence the no-shirt look and instead of  khakis we chose jeans.

Notice Lucy on the floor in the image on the left?  She couldn’t decide if she should be sad about not being in the photos or not.  She really wanted to pose with him, shirtless, as well.

This one is my favorite 🙂

Much to my amazement, Henry just let me choose some clothes for him and he put them on and modeled them excellently!  Thank you, cousin Eli, for the cool shirt!

Lucy just *had* to included…  Aren’t they sweet?

Love that b&w photo of them together!!

She also had to match him…  That’s his shirt, her pants.  I had to pin the shirt in the back so that it didn’t swallow her whole.  And of course, she she made those faces on purpose!

Enter the legos!  The kid just loves them.  He created this “vehicle” himself 🙂  I really love the image on the right — such a cool little guy!

The only way I could keep Lucy out of every photo was to hand her my phone so she could take photos as well!  This is her image from the phone!

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