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- Sara



Athens, Engagements

March 19, 2014

Brandy & Reese {engaged} – preview

Lucy got sick Sunday night and since then all of the kids and Jeremy have taken turns being sick.  Blah.  Jeremy and I have had to cancel and reschedule 5 appts each and I  got to clean up a lot of puke.  Yuck.
However, I did get to spend a lot of time watching Wren walk around being adorable; that’s always fun 🙂  And the big kids watched a lot of TV.  Oh, and I sold my computer!!  I’m so excited 🙂  Now I get to get an iPad Mini!!!

Friday was beautiful outside and I got to work with some beautiful people!  Brandy and Reese are getting married in Hartwell at Reeses’ parents home in May.  I’m really looking forward to it!


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