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- Sara



Athens, Session Info, Weddings

June 16, 2014

Hair + Make-up? Professional or DIY?

If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE hair and make-up.  If you don’t know me and you just happened to run into me at the grocery store, you probably wouldn’t guess just how much I love hair and make-up just judging me on my outward, grocery-store appearance of a ponytail and bare-face, BUT I’ve loved hair and make-up for as long as I can remember!
I love how make-up can transform a person can look like someone else and how make-up makes the average woman feel “done” and like she has her best foot forward.  I have a lot of friends that don’t wear make-up on a regular basis, and that is totally fine, but on your wedding day or on picture day, I think good make-up makes you feel good about your self.  When I say good make-up, I mean make-up that makes you look like the best version of yourself, and doesn’t make you feel like you’ve been made up by your six year old daughter 😉  I’ve noticed over the years that the best make-up applications make other people notice how wonderful you look, but they don’t necessarily “see” your make-up.

A couple of months ago, I asked Jennifer, from Flawless Finish if she wanted to team up with me and help me create a couple of good before and after shots of two of my clients.  I asked Heidi and Brandy to do their hair and make-up as they would when they go to work or school and then I had Jennifer do their hair and make-up for a photo shoot.

Heidi and I shot her daughter’s one year session right after her session with Jennifer and you can see those images here.

Brandy and I shot her 2nd round of engagement session images right after her session with Jennifer and you can see those images here.  More on the story about why she has two engagement sessions, too.



A Few Reasons To Get Your Hair & Make-Up Professionally Done

1. With a pro hair/make-up artist, you’ll get a trail session to make sure that you like their work.  Make sure you do have the trial – not everyone’s taste in eyeshadow will be what you want to wear on your wedding day!

2. Airbrush foundation vs. liquid or powder foundation; the skill of the airbrush technician makes all the difference.  Another reason why a trial is so important!  Too much airbrush foundation and you will NOT feel like yourself.  Liquid or powder foundation might not last the whole, long, hot wedding day, which is why most make-up artists push airbrush foundation

3. Professionally fixed hair has more volume and tends NOT to fall quite as fast as doing it yourself!

4. Using your best friend or your cousin’s mom is fine if they know what their doing, but if they just “do it for fun”, then they probably aren’t as practiced as a professional.  Practiced professionals get amazing hair & make-up done quickly and securely.

Click here to find a link to all my favorite hair and make-up teams 🙂


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