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- Sara




July 30, 2014

Henry, Lucy & Wren {hilton head}

I’m not sure if you’ve ever decided to take photos of your own children, but I promise you it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.  Harder than freakin’ childbirth.  They know what you want and they have all the power to make the session miserable (or fun).  I really wanted to put in the effort and attempt to get some beach photos of my kiddos while we were in Hilton Head for vacation.  The morning of our last day there, I ironed clothes, bribed them to wear them, then asked the grandparents to brush hair and teeth.  After what seemed like an eternity, they were finally ready to walk to the beach.  I strapped Wren to my back, slung my camera around my neck and crossed my fingers that I at least one  decent photo.  I also gave myself a pep-talk about not getting stressed out.  The whole walk to the beach, Henry whined.  He didn’t want to do this, he hated his shorts, it was hot, blah, blah, blah.  Lucy started out in a grand mood, laughing and chatting.  But, by the time we got to the boardwalk (all of a 5 minute walk), they were all losing it…
This is Wren’s picture face and pose…


See, Henry’s still mad about the whole situation.  Lucy is still chipper 🙂

Henry’s smile looks real, but it wasn’t really.


I was really hoping that I could get one of all them…

swp_wise_beach006swp_wise_beach007swp_wise_beach008swp_wise_beach009swp_wise_beach010More pouting from Henry…


By this time, Lucy decided to join in the pouting fun…


BUT, isn’t this adorable??


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