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- Sara



Family Session

April 10, 2017

Smith Family // Family Session // State Botanical Gardens

The Smiths and I go way back.  Christina first became a friend of my mom’s when Cora (eldest daughter), was a baby and I remember sitting in my very first office (in Hartwell, circa 2003) doing computer work while Mom told me all about the most adorable baby named Cora.  Over the years, Christina and I became friends, too.  Jasper (eldest son) and Henry are about the same age and as our families have grown, we’ve managed to spend some quality time together.  

I am always so thrilled when my friends ask me to take photos for them.  It’s just so much fun 🙂 

We shot this session in April, long after everything turned green and looked like spring, but we had originially planned to shoot in late January, so everyone’s clothes (that coordinated so well) had the look of winter and not spring, so I intentionally found spaces at the State Botanical Gardens that looked less springy and more wintery.  


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