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- Sara



Athens, Headshot Session

May 4, 2017

Kaleidoscope Montessori // A Small School // Athens GA

When Jeremy and I got divorced, Lucy was still too young for public school, so we had a nanny (the best ever, too) for the first year, that took care of the girls while each of us worked.  Being self-employed, I have a pretty flexible schedule, but working consistantly is the difference between making money and being broke, so… needless to say, a consistant nanny for the girls was amazingly helpful. 

By the summer of 2016, I realized that Lucy was going to go to Kindergarten that “fall” and Wren would be all alone at home, so I started looking for a school for her.  I immediately heard about a new school that was opening so close to me that I just had to find out more.  Kaleidoscope Montessori was born the same summer and was set to open their doors just a 1/4 of a mile from my house; it was just too good to be true!   

I immeditiately enrolled Wren and we spent the best year with Ashley + Tina + Georgia + Erin; Wren fell in love, made new friends and learned so much that she might  know more about the world than I do 😉  As morning drops off became morning chats, I learned that Ashley wanted to offer school photos! AND she wondered if I’d be interested in shooting them? Lord, was I ever! I can’t imagine anything more fun than mini sessions with each of the adorable kids that spent their days with Wren. So, we shot in the fall and again in the spring — seriously, these children couldn’t get any cuter, but you don’t have to take my word for it.  Just scroll down!


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