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- Sara




July 13, 2010

beach, day 2

I made a point to go to bed really early last night.  No reading, or visiting.  If you could see the hordes of people on the beach in front of me right now, you’d understand that you MUST be up early if you want to use the beach for photos.

Emma and Eli said they would model for me, so I hopped out of bed at 5:30 to get ready.  Woke them up, helped get them ready and headed to the beach.  Tomorrow is Henry’s turn.  Somehow I doubt it’s going to be as easy as it was to photograph Emma and Eli 😉

Here are my faves:

It’s been years since I’ve attempted to photograph the kids together.  Today, I gave them no choice and as a result, I have a *few* cute images of the both of them!

Eli sorta got the short end of the stick with the light.  As soon as we finished with the ‘together’ pics, the sun came out full force.  I made do for a bit, but it was SO bright.  

The big question, for tomorrow’s shoot of Henry is, what is he going to wear??  I haven’t gone shopping for him in at least a year; he can wear almost everything I bought for him last year, and I’m not overly fond of anything he owns.  I do like the black rock n’roll tee he’s got, but how many pics can I take of him wearing it??!!  Maybe I’ll take a trip to the mall (it’s right down the street) and see what coolness I can find.  Wouldn’t that be fun?

Now if only anyone in Jeremy’s family could focus my camera, I’d ask for a quick family pic.  But the odds of that working out are very, very slim! 

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