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- Sara



Family Session, Newborn Session

July 3, 2009

Agnes {newborn}

These two are just the sweetest.  Flannery and I go way back.  I think she was 9 months old when I first met her.  And she is one of those kids that remembers EVERYTHING.  She remembers that I used to have two dogs named LuLu and Chloe and she remembers that we took pictures in the leaves and that my baby is named Henry and that we’ve seen each other out and about at the Mexican restaurant.  She misses nothing 🙂  So, we she told me that she was happy that the ‘picture lady’ (she used to call me that) was coming to take pics of her sister, Agnes, I was just thrilled!

Agnes was a treat.  She was asleep enough to let me take sweet pics of her any which way, but then she woke up with bright, shiny eyes.

Flannery is ‘almost’ 5.  Isn’t she just the cutest thing?  She’s pictured here with Stripey.

This is one of my favorites.  It’s totally an unposed image.  Just saw it and snapped 🙂

Aren’t these sweet?  I just LOVED Agnes little outfit.  I mean, how cute?

I mainly loved the light in this shot.

And since this post is supposed to be about Agnes, I’ll close with one of my favorites!

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