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- Sara




August 16, 2009


Today is Quinn’s 14th birthday. I was *almost* 14 when he was born. It seems like yesterday and a life-time ago all at the same time. Henry and I spend a lot of time with Quinn and I wonder everytime I see him what he will grow into. What he will become and what he will do with the knowledge he has gained from being the youngest of 5. We knew the day he was born that he would be bigger and taller than the rest of us shrimps.  Give him a couple more years and he’ll be taller, bigger and stronger than Logan and Griffin.  That makes me laugh.

He has the biggest vocabulary. He always has an answer for you. Whether or not it’s the right answer is usually up to you to decide, but never-the-less, he’s got an answer. He is always willing to do something/anything for you. He likes to draw (scary looking people and weapons) and he loves anime. Like Caroline, he has covered his bedroom walls with stuff; cool ads, drawing, cards. He loves to read. He is in charge of the chickens. Most of the time.  I bet he has more school work done than most kids in 11th grade.  He and Henry come up with the coolest games.  

For his birthday he only wanted a few things:

1.Monitor cable- $20/30(I can’t find this any where! It is a (DVI-I/ VGA)spesificly.

2.a shonen jump subscription. But that is forty dollarsK

3. maybe an audible giftcard?

Hopefully, we have all been creative and thoughtful and have come up with other things.  Mainly because there are 10 of us buying gifts and he’s only listed 3 things. LOL!

This is the most recent photo of I have of Quinn, which makes me feel super guilty.  I should have more pics of my family.  I will have to do a 14 year photo shoot of Quinn 🙂

Today we are going to Logan and Erin’s to celebrate!  Pool time and food; what more can you ask for?  Anyway, Happy Birthday, Quinn!!!  Thanks for all the endless help and love 🙂

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