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- Sara




September 4, 2009

rockin’ blonde.

Can I just tell you guys how much fun it was to photograph Brandy Chandler of blonde.?  I photographed her a year or so ago (I was big pregnant) and we had a blast then, too, but this time around I knew what I was going to be working with and I didn’t have any limitations — I was free to do as I wanted! 

Brandy owns and operates a boutique clothing store in Athens cooly named blonde..  If you’re in the market for the most fashionable clothes, blonde would be the place to go.

Brandy suggested that we shoot at Republic Salon in downtown Athens, which turned out to be a FABULOUS location to work with.  Many thanks to everyone for putting up with us while we were there!

Now on to the goods…

Ok, so I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the following image.  And, yes, I do know that it’s not quite sharp, but what was I to do?  I LOVE it…

This one, the one right below, is my second favorite.

this wall is located right outside the door of Republic.  I don’t know who the artist is, but it was one really awesome painting…

What do you think?  I’d love some comments, if anyone feels like leaving me some love 🙂  




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