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- Sara




May 4, 2010

ten on tuesday.

That’s right, I just skipped right over Friday like it didn’t even exist…  I’m not sure I can come up with 10 ‘things’ to chat about, but I’m going to try!

1. The main reason I skipped over Friday (yeah, I actually have a reason this week) was because I spent the day driving to Mobile, AL for a OLAS wedding. 

2. The humidity in Mobile, AL *almost* made my straight hair curl!  You should have seen Casey’s hair; it’s already curly!

3. We *almost* have the Hot Shots Dance pictures online!  Whoo-hoo, Caroline!  Did I mention that I shot 4050 images of 165 girls?  Yeah, it’s a lot of editing and culling for Caroline!

4. Caroline’s 18th birthday is Thursday!  Truly unbelievable.  I am so glad, though, that I get to work with her.  That she’s home (studying on her own) and that she’s able to spend time with me and Henry (we love hanging out with her).

5. Logan and Erin celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary on Friday!  Wonder what fun they might do? 

6. Henry’s 2nd birthday is Saturday!  I can’t quite believe it’s been two years since his amazingly fast birth 🙂

7. I keep having day dreams (and night dreams) about shooting film again.  If you keep up with the stars of photography, you’ll know that it’s the thing to do.  Very vintage 😉  Maybe I’ll shoot a roll or two of Henry!

8. Many, many thanks to John, Sandy, Hank and Meg Carlton for their generous gift!  They gave us their old wooden playset for Henry to play with!!  I’m going to put his sandbox under the fort and try to find a glider for the swing arm; Henry’s going to LOVE it!!

9. I want a new camera.  This one in particular.  I know as soon as I buy one, Canon is going to come out with a new, better one.  It’s how it goes.  I still want a new camera.  Anyone interested in purchasing my old camera?  Canon EOS 5D

10. My garden hasn’t been planted.  Henry and I tried to plant some carrots last week and all I’ll say is that there will be carrots in many places in my garden.   I hope to plant all the rest of the seeds and plants early tomorrow morning!  Wish me luck; Henry will be a planting challenge 🙂

Stay tuned for Blaire’s full session!  

all the latest @evermorephotoco