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- Sara



Family Session

November 18, 2013

Henry, Lucy & Wren {my kiddos}

It’s pretty rare that I get cooperation from my kids.  It’s pretty rare to get them all clean and snot-free all at the same time.  It’s pretty rare to say “will you wear this” and they say “sure” with a big smile.  It’s also rare that I have a beautiful location to shoot in just a few feet from my front door.  But the stars aligned and all that rare stuff happened all at the same time and in 30 minutes got some really cute images of my fast-growing kids.  I know you’re dying to see them, so I’ll quit blabbering on…

You see that nonsense on the right?  Completely pretend.  I swear, I should audition them at a acting agency.  All they do is pretend to be mad or sad about something/anything!

Just for future reference, Henry is 5 1/2, Lucy is newly 3 and Wren is 9 months old.


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