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- Sara




November 19, 2013

Greer {8 months}

This little lady was quite the ham 🙂  The following photos where she is sitting happened for tiny, tiny seconds.  She was up on her feet in a flash and scaring the life out of me and her momma!

Isn’t this face just priceless?

I LOVE this location!  I might just add right here that it’s all about the LIGHT, people!  This chair is in the middle of Heidi’s driveway and if you were to walk up on it, you’d totally think I was nuts for choosing it as a place to take photos, BUT the light was fantastic and the background was even and so pretty thrown out of focus that I just couldn’t resist!  And I’m so glad I didn’t!  The following photos are just adorable!

A quick outfit change and I found another fabulous light source and we did our best to keep Greer from eating leaves!  Isn’t that yellow sweater so cute?

Greer is one of my Baby Bundler’s and if you’d like to see her other sessions, click here for Newborn and here for 4 months.

all the latest @evermorephotoco