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- Sara



Family Session, Newborn Session

August 28, 2009

rowan {newborn}

Rowan, the lucky duck, got to have two sessions.  We really, really, really wanted some sleeping baby pics and he just really, really, really didn’t want to sleep.  So we had another session.

I really enjoyed meeting and chatting with Rowan’s parents.  I hope I get to hang out with them again.  Colleen designs and sells jewelry on  I can’t wait to see what she does, but due to Rowan her site isn’t really up and working because she’s busy learning what it’s like to be a new parent.  

So for the first session:

This is still the first session, and as you see, Rowan did go to sleep. He just wouldn’t let Colleen put him down…

Second session. Can you see how much fuller his cheeks are? It really is amazing how quickly babies grow… I don’t even think it was a full two weeks between sessions 🙂

I really loved Rowan’s room. C&J did a wonderful job decorating it.

And now for a few sleeping pics 🙂

And just as quickly as he fell asleep, he woke.

C&J, I hope you LOVE these images!

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