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- Sara



Athens, Personal

March 21, 2020

Social Distancing Photo-a-Day Challenge

Back in the day, when Instagram was a baby, circa 2010/11, the little squares held a lot of real life and experimental photography with first and second generation iPhones. It was sooo cool to have a handy camera that had a wide lens, was fairly good at focusing on whatever you asked it to focus on, and was always in your back pocket. Once we got the hang of it, there were a million photo-a-day challenges. There was monthly challenges, weekly and yearly challenges. Themed for everything and everyone under the sun. I joined them here and there, but life was crazy back then with tiny babies and a stressful home life.

Since life has been turned upside with the coronavirus and we all have more time on our hands, I thought now would be a great time to re-introduce the idea of a photo challenge!

For the next 2 weeks, I’m going to share a daily prompt and a tip on photography – straight to your inbox! And on Instagram & Facebook, too, of course 🙂

Want to join me? Click here!

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