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- Sara



1 Year Session, Baby Bundle Session, Family Session, Watkinsville, GA

February 11, 2020

Charlotte James // 12 Mo Baby Bundle Session // Watkinsville, GA

The year(s) passes by so quickly. The older I get, the quicker time passes. Or maybe it’s just that I’ve been around long enough to realize that time doesn’t stop for you to be busy. It doesn’t stop for you when you want to clean the house or fold the laundry or scroll Instagram. It just keeps on ticking and all those minutes you used on cleaning the house, or folding laundry, or scrolling instagram don’t ever come back. Same goes with all the times you put down the baby or wish the toddler wasn’t clinging to you for the 12th hour of the day; those minutes and opportunities don’t come back. Just enjoy them, document them and understand that there are entire decades ahead of you when you won’t have a sleeping baby or a fussy toddler to hug and love.

Charlotte’s first year was an absolute pleasure to document! Getting to know Laura Ashley + Matthew, as well as their parents, was lovely and I look forward to working with them in the future!

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